Today we announce GRI’s strategy ‘Our Five Year Focus‘ which outlines four areas of priority as we look to catalyze a new era for sustainability reporting:
• Enabling Smart Policy – supporting sustainability reporting and disclosure around the world
• More Reporters, Better Reporting – striving for a better quality of sustainability reporting and envisioning the future
• Moving Beyond Reports – ensuring decision makers have access to high quality and reliable information they demand
• Innovation & Collaboration – leveraging technology and big data to enable others to succeed based on our standards
This is the culmination of several months of work and includes valuable input from many of you within our global community. Information from the sustainability reporting process is being used in more ways than ever before but we believe there is even more value to be captured by innovating for a future where sustainability is integral to every organization’s decision-making process. We’ve also developed the GRI brand to reflect this strategic plan and you will see changes to the GRI website, most significantly that ‘Standards’ has its own hub which is accessible through the homepage, as does ‘Services’.
I look forward to working with you as we continue to strive for a more sustainable economy and world.
Michael Meehan, GRI’s Chief Executive